Thursday, May 5, 2011

Braydens Check up!

Brayden turned 6 months old on Sunday, and we went to his pedi appointment on Tuesday. Little guy is 15 pounds, 10 oz & 28 inches long! He is developmentally at 7 months, and the doctor said hes lookin great! He has some mild eczema, she thinks its due to my breastfeeding. So, its elimination diet for me. Not happy, but ill deal. Also, we went to WIC again and convinced them about re-lactating. So now were back to the breastfeeding package with them too, and they took back all that useless and pointless formula just collecting on my kitchen counter :)

On the subject of that guy, he called me a few days later and said he was sorry. I let him say what he had to say, but i also told him i was done with his games. I wasted 9 years of my life with him, i think its time i smack myself in the face and just walk away.

Brayden can sit up on his own and pick up his own little puffs and feed himself. FINALLY !!