Wednesday, March 2, 2011

4 months old !

Brayden was 4 months old yesterday (4/1) but we were so busy i couldnt post ! Little bugs is 14 1/2 pounds, and 25 1/2 inches long!  (dont ask me where he gets this height from, not me!) He got more vaccines, its always sad to see them give him shots. After this, i went to my grandparents house before work to relax with him, and the little guy slept all day! For his 2 months shots he never slept, but his 4 months knocked him out cold. Worked out well because i went to work and my grandparents didnt1 complain that he was fussy (finally).

Yesterday i also went to WIC to tell them i have successfully re-lactated. The "certified lactation consultant" didnt believe me. She said she never heard of it. Are you not a certified lactation consultant? Because all i had to do is google it, and learn how to do it and then im breastfeeding again. Like do you think if im on WIC id want to lie to you just so i could get more milk cheese and eggs for ME and not any formula for B? I was blown away that she wasnt encouraging. So she printed out the formula checks, and i didnt sign for them. I DONT FUCKING NEED THEM. CUT THE SHIT.

On a different note, my co workers thought i would only be re-lactating "for a week or so." When i took my break to pump and my co worker had to cover me, he was like "i thought that was last week?" I was like yeah last week and every week from now on and he was like, "why do you get to do this and not me" Idk dumbass, grow some tits then. You wont have to be a nurse anymore if a male can lactate. Fuckin people.

I leave you with a pic of B at the doctors yesterday, all nake and stuff.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You don't need ANY formula, AT ALL?! I'm jealous. I only produce about 12 ounces a day, enough for daytime bottles. But I still give her formula bottles at night. I could probably just nurse her when she wakes up BUT she is still have latching issues {I sure hope that passes}
    I'm so PROUD of you for doing so great on re-lactating!
    Men are pretty lame. And why would someone go through SO MUCH to only "re-lactate for a week"

    Haha One of my co-workers just asked a customer on the phone "How much milk do you produce a year?" {Dairy Milk}

  3. I give credit to you re-lactating mama's!!! Very inspirational! Your baby is so stinkin cute!
