Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Three months old !

Today brayden is three months old & he is DEFIANTLY going through the three month old growth spurt. Im sort of lucky i had today off - i know my grandparents wouldn't be able to watch him like this. He needed to be fed every two hours, and needed to be held all day long. I had a feeling this was coming on - a few days ago he was needing to be fed every two hours or so also and my grandmother refused to feed him until he was a total hot mess and screaming so loud that the dog was hiding. I guess she got the hint then. My whole motto with the whole thing is once i know hes crying because hes hungry - i feed him 6oz. If he doesnt take all 6, so be it. But im sure as hell not going to let him scream just because it hasnt been 3-4 hours yet. He knows when hes hungry better than anyone, so just feed the kid will ya?

Since it was my day off and we were having a sleet/ice/storm storm again today i decided to stay in and chillax with my growth spirter. I was trying to get good three month old pictures but once i put B down, it was a scream fest. Though i followed our normal routine for night time and just like clockwork he was to bed by 830 again tonight. Right now he seems to be waking up every now and then, so i feel like mr. growth spirt is going to wake him a few times in the night to eat. But thats okay because i work the evening shift for the rest of this week, so i dont really have to worry about how much sleep i get, which is always a plus. I can also have a martini tonight without feeling guilty that i have to wake up in 4 hours to get ready for work. Yay for the 3-11 shift, but boo to having to pick up B from my grandparents house while hes sleeping. I hate waking him up at 12am to get into the car :(

I made a pink lemonade martini tonight, but i just used some new pink lemonade vodka i picked up this weekend & vermouth. I added a splash of cranberry to it because it was a little strong. Its delish - and apparently new. I couldnt find the actual recipe on google to share on here. What am i doing being a nurse, my calling is clearly bartender !

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